Why Nutrisystem Might Be Bad for Your Health?

It’s hard not to take the plunge on Nutrisystem, or similar “shelf food” diet services, when so many deals and promotions screaming at you that the food is 10-50% off ― and testimonies proving the program has worked for many.
It’s also easy to think a pre-packaged diet is the answer to your weight loss troubles. But sometimes what looks like the easiest solution is not the best choice for the long run. And there are many reasons why this might be the case with the Nutrisystem plan.
About Nutrisystem
Nutrisystem is one of the most popular diet programs in the US. For over 40 years, it has been a household name. The program simplifies weight loss process by shipping balanced food straight to your door and providing the support you need so as to achieve your own goals.Scientific evidence: A number of clinical studies have provided evidence in support of the diet's validity. In fact, it is considered a safe, effective weight loss program, especially for those with type 2 diabetes.
Losing weight with fake food
Here's the major problem we're dealing with: you can’t live on Nutrisystem food forever, nor would you want to. If you are using this food as a crutch because of so many junk foods in the real world, then it's time to think about how you’re going to eventually eat real human food again, because that's the key to success.Say you get in the rhythm of eating five pre-packaged, portion-control foods a day (by yourself, of course, because you’re likely not proud of the Nutrisystem meals in public); your life situation changes and you aren’t on the plan anymore. Did the calorie restriction habit stick? Or, did you go back to what you were doing before? For most people, the Nutrisystem plan just isn’t normal and sustainable.
What do they put in there anyway?
If you ever look at the ingredients of a nutritional supplement shake or bar, you probably won’t be able to pronounce most of it at all. That’s because there are a lot of chemicals and preservatives.Nutrisystem is basically packaged entrees that are filled with all that same stuff. In fact, Nutrisystem has the most crap in it because you don’t even have to freeze or refrigerate it. Absolutely a preservative laden food; it could sit on your shelf for about 6 years and not rot. This may be impressive scientifically-and if you have a bomb shelter, then go ahead and put the Nutrisystem food in it-but otherwise it really isn’t good to put in the body.
Some people suffer from digestive problems from it. Of course, changing your eating habits can cause you gastrointestinal discomfort anyway.
What are Some Effective Ways to Lose Weight?
Eat organic whole foods
To stand up for your health once and for all, turn to wholesome, simple foods. Try a Mediterranean diet or include fresh raw foods into your diet to decrease the risks of developing many diseases. Drink green tea — an herb proven to increase metabolism and lipogenesis. Learn about portion control.Develop inner strength
Control your own urges through emotional awareness and spiritual strength. By spiritual, I do necessarily mean a belief in God, because a trust in something higher than yourself can help you to overcome the obstacles standing in your way. When you cultivate this trust and faith in yourself, you’ll have a much easier time dropping the pounds and living the life you were meant to live.Be physically active
In addition to eating fresh, organic, whole foods, be physically active and exercise regularly. Exercise is fundamental not only for weight loss but also for a sound health. To know more about the benefits of regular exercise, read top reasons to improve body strength and six-guaranteed weight loss tips.Take a stand today against packaged diet foods, and rediscover the enjoyment of real foods in manageable portions. Your body will thank you for it. And, when your body is thankful, I promise that the pounds will come off naturally.
Image source: Tara Hunt, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr